Project name: "Enterprise zone Marišćina K-2 in the Municipality of Viškovo"
Project developer: Municipality of Viškovo

Total estimated project value: 20.566.464,60 kn

Total eligible project costs: 15.154.628,60 kn

Amount of EU co-financing: 11.987.311,22 kn

Project implementation period: from January 1, 2019 to November 1, 2022

The project "Enterprise zone Marišćina K-2 in the Municipality of Viškovo" is co-financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds - European Regional Development Fund - Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.

About the project

The project consists of investment activities in constructing elementary and additional common infrastructure in the Enterprise zone Marišćina K - 2 area with the purpose of developing and improving quality and availability of the physical business infrastructure in the area of the Municipality of Viškovo, Urban agglomeration Rijeka.

The development of the Enterprise zone Marišćina K - 2 contributes to economic and socio-economic prosperity of the local and wider geographic area. The project includes the construction of phases 1 and 2 of an unclassified road (GMU 1 road) with associated infrastructure (water supply, storm water drainage, public lighting, telecommunications network, gas corridor and basic low voltage electrical installation) and a plateau in the Enterprise zone Marišćina K-2. At the end of the road a turnaround is planned with a smaller parking area where 6 parking spaces for cars, 1 parking space for people with reduced mobility and 2 parking spaces for the charging system of electric vehicles with photovoltaic system will be organized. The area of the project, which includes part of the GMU 1 road and the plateau, is approximately 26,199.00 m2.

The project will be carried out through 4 elements of implementation

1. Investments in construction - includes the construction of energy, utility, transport and electronic communications infrastructure and all accompanying contributions, connections and permits, as well as mandatory professional supervision and all other supervisions required for the implementation of construction activities of the project;

2. Project and technical documentation - includes previously prepared documentation such as preliminary and capital project, subdivision-geodetic services, detailed execution project and Feasibility Study with cost-benefit analysis and other necessary documents for the implementation of the planned investments in construction;

3. Project management - includes the engagement of employees of the Municipality and also the engagement of an external expert associate;

4. Promotion and visibility - it includes the creation of the temporary and permanent billboard, development of the web site for the project (zone), PR conference at the beginning and the end of the project. It also includes the creation of visual identity and the print of the advertisement materials. This activity will also include the creation of communication plan/strategy.

Goals and expected results of the project

GENERAL GOAL OF THE PROJECT is referred to the development of physical business infrastructure of the Enterprise zone Marišćina K-2 in the Municipality of Viškovo, Urban agglomeration Rijeka through the construction of new infrastructure, while SPECIFIC GOALS include:

  • revitalization of the Enterprise zone and attraction of investors,
  • retention of the working age population in the Municipality,
  • increasing the competitiveness of the Municipality and the living standard of the inhabitants of the Municipality with greater employment opportunities.

By building and equipping the infrastructure, the preconditions for investments in the construction of new entrepreneurial capacities will be achieved. The construction of a complete utility, energy, telecommunications and transport infrastructure will increase the capacity of the zone for further development and support for business.

For additional information about the project, contact:

Tibor Tramišak,đ.

Head of the Department for Communal System and Investments


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